My Journey to Wellness

The journey to wellness is almost never linear - and It certainly wasn’t for me. It takes trial and error, success and failure, patience and consistency.

Sports and fitness were a huge part of the way I was raised, hard work was embedded in my brain, and laziness was never acceptable. Although that sounds intense, it made me who I am today. The reason I believe so strongly that healthy children come from healthy parents, is because i’m that walking testimony. To this day, I attribute most of my gym knowledge to me being a teenage girl with a patient dad who was willing and eager to show me the ropes.

Although i’ve really never known a life without fitness, the meaning of holistic wellness was something I discovered much later in life as an adult. I went from just being ‘gym obsessed’ to being obsessed with achieving optimal health, inside and out. Hours spent in the gym mean nothing if you aren’t also prioritizing your health outside of the gym.

That’s why my mission is not only to educate women on the power of exercise, but also to educate them on all things related to holistic living so they can make the best decisions possible for themselves and their families.

My family is my world. Their health is my everything. And I know you feel the same way.

Life’s full of hard decisions, but together we can set the stage for the next generation so healthy choices are part of the easy ones they have to make.